Candleholders taken from a Palestinian home by a Carmeli Brigade soldier in 1948. Credit: Sarale Gur Lavi
Palestina Moderna et Terra Sancta Florence (segment). From Francesco Berlinghieri & Nicolo Todescho, 1480
A researcher sorts through the Sakhr al-Khateeb collection of photographs and ephemera that date back to the 1920s. From the Palestinian Museum Digital Archive. January 2019. Photo by Haneed Saleh
Advertisement card (front) for the American Colony Industrial School where Palestine Point Lace was taught. 1918-1935 G. Eric and Edith Matson Collection
Advertisement card (back) for the American Colony Industrial School where Palestine Point Lace was taught. 1918-1935 G. Eric and Edith Matson Collection
Issa Mousa Saah's Palestinian passport (exterior), issued by the British Mandate colonial government. Private Collection
A telegram confirming the launch of the Haganah's "Operation Nachshon", carried out by the Givati Brigade from April 5th-16th as a first phase of Plan Dalet. Plan Dalet was designed to conquer Palestinian towns and villages inside what would become Israel, and drive out its inhabitants by blowing up homes, and terrorizing the population into leaving. Image from IDF Archives